October 25, 2012

Clarksville, TN –  United Way of the Greater Clarksville Region recently hosted its 2012 Fall Day of Caring.  Local volunteers contributed approximately 400 hours of community service during the event held on October 23, 2012.

During the event, volunteers from local businesses donated their time and talents to help at United Way agencies.  Projects varied widely to accommodate many areas of service such as meal preparation and delivery, landscaping, painting, senior activities and numerous other tasks. Agencies receiving volunteer assistance during Day of Caring were Ajax Turner Senior Citizens Center, Ft. Campbell Armed Services YMCA, Meals on Wheels, Head Start, and Progressive Directions/Kids Depot.

Days of Caring was established to provide local businesses and employees with civic opportunities, while serving the needs of United Way partner agencies.  Volunteers receive time away from their jobs to lend a hand in the community and find the experience to be incredibly rewarding. Often, participants extend their service well beyond the scope of Day of Caring and develop strong relationships with partner programs. This year, United Way is planning to host several Days of Caring throughout the year to offer additional opportunities for both volunteers and agencies.  We are continually inspired by the caring spirit of our community and are grateful for the tremendous support offered by so many,” said Ginna Holleman, Executive Director of United Way of Greater Clarksville Region.

Rita Berman of Planters Bank, a long-time Day of Caring volunteer, shares her experience.  “Volunteering at Ajax Turner Senior Citizen Center is more of a blessing to me than it is to them.  I truly enjoy my time spent there and look forward to participating in Days of Caring each year.  It is reassuring to know that this wonderful program is available for senior citizens, one I would entrust to provide care for my own family.”   

Businesses supporting the event with their employees include Bridgestone Metalpha, Cumberland Electric Membership Corporation, Clarksville-Montgomery County Economic Development Council, Heritage Bank, Legal Aid Society, Legends Bank, Planters Bank, Stone, Rudolph and Henry CPAs, Trane and US Bank.  The 2012 Fall Day of Caring was sponsored by Clarksville Department of Electricity and Legends Bank.

Bridgestone Metalpha earned this year’s overall Shine On Award for the business with the largest employee participation.  Stone, Rudolph and Henry CPAs also earned a Shine On Award for the small business with the most employees participating.   Trane and CEMC topped the list as well for employee participation.

Visit our United Way of the Greater Clarksville Region Facebook Page to view more pictures from the 2012 Fall Day of Caring.