February 1, 2012
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (V.I.T.A) program for low to moderate income taxpayers begins Tuesday, February 5 and continues through April 13, 2013. The V.I.T.A program is provided by United Way of the Greater Clarksville Region and the Clarksville Regional Alliance for Financial Independence.
I.R.S. certified tax preparers help filers receive the full amount of their tax refunds and tax advantage of the Earned Income Tax Credit as well as other tax credit opportunities. This FREE service is available to those with an adjusted gross income of $50,000 or less.
The V.I.T.A program will be located at the Clarksville-Montgomery County Public Library , Tuesdays- Fridays from 10am – 6pm; on Saturdays from 10am-4pm.
Taxpayers may also file their own taxes online at www.myfreetaxes.com/clarksvilleregion. Assistance is available online as well.
The program is also seeking additional volunteers as site greeters. No experience or training is required. For more information about tax prepartation or to volunteer, please contact 931-648-1000 or 931-647-4291.